Seeing the look of shock and horror on people’s faces is becoming a bit of a habit now once they discover that our team is all volunteers. The truth is, Tech for Good Live is a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work to run.
More importantly, stuff isn’t free. There are costs involved in producing a weekly podcast, and special series, and monthly events that are free for everyone to enjoy.
Thankfully, we’ve been supported over the years by some amazing sponsors.
If you want to support us, you can do so via our crowdfunding campaign.
There are a few different kinds of rewards available for supporting us, ranging from the wonderful to the - “Oh, that’s weird… why are they doing that? Wow. I guess I feel a bit obliged to support them now that I’ve come all the way to their crowfunding page though...”.
Any support you give is really, really appreciated! Thanks <3